Conference Venue
The main venue of ALGO 2017 is:
Freihaus building of TU Wien
Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10
1040 Wien
Public Transport
Subway stop Karlsplatz (U1, U2, U4), exit Wiedner Hauptstraße
Tram stop Resselgasse (1, 62, Lokalbahn)
Subway = U-Bahn
Tram = Strassenbahn (S-Bahn)
Rooms & Coffee Breaks
2nd floor of the ALGO venue
Registration & Lunch
1st floor of the ALGO venue
City Centre
The conference venue is in walking distance to Vienna’s main sights.

Passing St. Charles Square (Karlsplatz, U-Bahn) every day on your way to ALGO 2017 conference venue.

Wienerschnitzel is a thin breaded slice of veal, and any Schnitzel called by that name has to be made from veal.
Original Sacher-Torte has been the most famous cake in the world and the original recipe remains a well-kept secret of Sacher hotel.

Secession building constructed for the same named association by Joseph Maria Olbrich, in walking distance from ALGO 2017 venue.
The Vienna State Opera with a history dating back to the mid-19th century is considered one of the most important opera houses in the world.

Heuer am Karlsplatz, where the Viennese spirit comes to life.
The Schwarzenbergplatz or the square where the Hochstrahlbrunnen, a large fountain that looks like a geyser with pseudo-natural rocks in a circular pool is located at.

The Theseus Temple in Volksgarten or “the garden of the people” famous for its beautiful rose gardens with over 3,000 rose bushes. Blumenrad in Prater.